Repo/Wetlands (Present and On-going)

Repo (wetlands) are an important part of our freshwater ecosystems providing habitat for many of our fish, invertebrates, birds and plants. Culturally, they underpin and form an important part of the practices and associated worldviews of many indigenous peoples around the world. Aotearoa has a terrible track record with our wetlands, with only 90% remaining… Continue reading Repo/Wetlands (Present and On-going)

Tongi Maara (present to 2023)

Area tagged for the implementation of a maara at Te Kura o Rangiriri.

Maaku anoo e hanga tooku nei whare. Ko ngaa poupou o roto he Maahoe, he Patete, he Hiinau. Kia whakatupu ki te hua o te Rengarenga, kia whakapakari ki te hua o te Kawariki! Kiingi Taawhiao Area tagged for the implementation of a maara at Te Kura o Rangiriri. Inspired by the growing disconnection with… Continue reading Tongi Maara (present to 2023)

Ruru-Kawau Research (present to 2024)

Tangi naa te Ruru, kei te hoki hoki mai e. E whakawherowhero i te puutahitanga… Beginning lyrics to waiata “Te Hokinga Mai”; composed by Te Taite Cooper and Father Mariu (1986) Kia mau ki tēnā, kia mau ki te kawau mārō Ngāti Maniapoto Initiated as part of mahi undertaken at 26 Waikato Poukai in 2016-2017… Continue reading Ruru-Kawau Research (present to 2024)

Future Coasts Aotearoa (present to 2026)

Data from Cheri’s PhD will be used to inform a case study under this programme looking at impacts of sea-level rise in the lower Waikato River delta (Te Puuaha o Waikato). Additionally, the Swampfrog research team (Cheri, and Rangi) will be involved in broader work focused on impacts to Maaori in the lower River due… Continue reading Future Coasts Aotearoa (present to 2026)

Project Kāinga (present to 2025)

Cheri has recently joined this programme as a PhD candidate under Zoology and the Centre for Sustainability at University of Otago. The working title of the thesis is ‘Unlocking the past wetland-scapes of the lower Waikato River system and the potential implications for future wetland restoration and Te Puuaha community resilience’. Data collection includes coring… Continue reading Project Kāinga (present to 2025)

Eating with my Tuupuna – climate resilience for Waikato hauanga kai (present to 2024)

A project inspired by research into the Ruru back in 2016, highlighted to the Swampfrog team that the ability of our people to continue their practices of haakari and hauanga kai will be impacted by climate change. For this project we are working with 7 marae in the Waikato rohe and will investigate our relationships… Continue reading Eating with my Tuupuna – climate resilience for Waikato hauanga kai (present to 2024)